Sunday, July 11, 2010

First time ♥

Hi, nice to meet u all. Actually, this is not the first time for me, but it's been a long time. Because i'm lazy to write post, so i shut it down.

Here's some facts about me:
1. I like japan's trend
2. I like to stay at home and ignore my friend's invitation to hang out.
3. I always wanted to be a boy although i likes girly stuff.(my classmate call me MAN-MAN)
4. I 'm a totally different girl when i go to school. (maybe it's because of my hair-style)
5. I don't even own a HANDPHONE (unbelievable ya?)
6. I hate chickens, pork and their soft soft parts (except ham)
7. I am LAZY

Hope u guys will have some good time at here.

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